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Welcome to
Modern Knowledge Academy 

Research and the professional world

Modern Knowledge Academy is the educational project developed by Modern Knowledge. 


This project aims to bring research in the fields of human and social sciences closer to the general public of professionals in intellectual services (also called "knowledge workers"): training, teaching, consulting, analysis, marketing...


We produce online courses in theoretical disciplines and with high potential for application to various practical professions:  

  • Geopolitics & analysis of international relations, 

  • Conceptual history & political philosophy

These themes contribute to developing analytical and critical capacities, to building a thorough and solid knowledge of the contemporary world through its history. 


Introduction to digital pedagogy

Modern Knowledge Academyalso offers courses in digital pedagogy, dedicated to the fundamentals of Digital learning and addressing the difficulties of those who wish to learn about it (as a teacher / trainer), but feel lost in the mass of information. and tools. 


Our commitment is not to multiply them, but to guide you in the process of developing your educational model while relying on the necessary tools. 

Our commitment

Original and unique content

Our online courses are original intellectual products, built entirely by their authors. We do not limit ourselves to proposing simple structuring and summaries of information accessible elsewhere (even if this aspect is naturally part of the theoretical parts and is also their richness), but our primary ambition is to deliver you content based on the original analysis, the result of quality cognitive work.

Our content is thus not "googlable", but always presents its sources explicitly (the authors and the texts analyzed, the references, etc.). 

These commitments to quality content ensure the learning experience is as solid as it is unique.

Topics of ours courses

Our courses are hosted on the LMS platform at

To see the catalog of all the themes, register, buy and follow a course, go to this platform:

Our pricing

What defines the price of our online courses?

In a simple way, we can summarize the production of an e-learning course in the following three steps:


  • Production of raw content by an expert.

  • Pedagogical engineering by a specialist in pedagogy in order to transform this raw content into an educational course with precise objectives and means of evaluation.

  • Production of the e-learning module.


Each of its steps involves production costs.
The original content to be produced requires sufficient financial and time resources to guarantee the final intellectual quality. We start from the principle that intellectual work (like all work) cannot be neither free nor undervalued; and promotion of research is also one of our main values.

However, we know that in an ideal world, the intellectual quality of content should not be an elitist privilege. We are therefore implementing means of optimizing these costs and trying to find a fair balance in order to remunerate the work carried out and make this content accessible. 

Digital learning being in itself a rather expensive production, we have for example made the choice to optimize our production tools in order to offer lower prices, while remaining in the modality of the interactive e-learning course and centered on the learner. 

We are implementing a policy of periodic reductions, promotional coupons, an affiliate program...  - which will make the learner's investments even more advantageous.


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